Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fall Comes and it Goes.

you're as sweet as the language

begs to be told -  your stories burn on your lips

dying to be passed on. 

share the burden, oh misery loves the company.

you're the oldest cliche and so is my love for you, 

we fit we fit

like sand in an hourglass: ever-changing but the same.

oh you'll always be my summertime lover

but when the leaves fall and the motions pass,

i will leave you, i will have to.

you're the sweetest song i've written,

but you were never meant to be sung.

too selfish to let you be heard,

no i could never, i could never let the sun touch you.

all the unpleasant places in my head

have disappeared at your touch,

they've disappeared, but they'll be back when i leave you.

and i'm sorry, i love you and i know you love me too.

you have to, but i have to leave.

i have to leave you.